Last week we began a series on the STORMS of life. Storms are coming. Life happens. Are you prepared? Do you have your STORM shelter built? We stated that STORMS come in many forms.
Family storms
Professional storms
Financial storms
Relationship storms.
The first storm we discussed was the storm of stress. Stress is the physical or mental response to an external cause, such as having a lot of homework or having an illness. A stressor may be a one-time or short-term occurrence, or it can happen repeatedly over a long time.
Today’s STORM relates to the letter T in our acronym STORM. T stands for trials. Trials are a part of life. Trials are like tests, and we must be prepared for tests. The challenge is we don’t always know what trials are coming. One phone call can launch a calm, quiet life into a serious trial with great consequences. So how do we prepare for trials when we don’t know what trial is coming?
First, let’s make sure that we are not the cause of unnecessary trials. Life is hard enough without me making really bad decisions that cause trials that God did not intend for me to experience. For example, drinking and driving can cause me to lose my license. This is a trial I caused. Don’t cause your own trials.
Next, there are some very general things I can do to prepare for trials and hard times.
1. Prepare your purpose. James 1 says “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” Why do we count it as joy when trials come? Because the purpose of a trial is to pass the trial and grow stronger. Trials will make you or break you—it’s up to us. Trials are not punishment, they are training. Trials are God’s way of saying, “I need to help you get better.” Be grateful that God is caring and preparing you for great things.
2. Prepare your mind. Daily we must wake up knowing that trials can happen at any moment. Daily time in God’s Word and prayer help focus on my mind on what’s important, how to respond, and keeps me from panicking. Is your mind being prepared daily?
3. Prepare you finances. Trials tend to cost something. A transmission goes out. I lose my job. Hospital, stays, bills and time lost time at work. Trials can be expensive. Are you saving money so that you can live during times of loss?
4. Prepare your team. Many people are disconnected. They don’t have a team around them that they can call on in times of trouble. God continually tells us to be in regular and committed fellowship with others. We strengthen each other. We support each other. We encourage each other. We pray for each other. I often talk to people in the midst of a trial who have not been in church in years, and then wonder why no one is helping them. They left their help years prior.
These are just a few simple ways we can prepare for the STORMS of life. Trials are coming. Count on it. Don’t be shocked when the car breaks down or the plumbing backs up. Life is happening and does not care if you are ready or not. Be ready.
We all know that December 25th is coming each year. We all know that it is a financially challenging time of year, yet so many of us fail to prepare and then cause our own trial during the holidays because we overspend and overindulge. We know Christmas is coming. Be ready.
* You can also visit our YOUTUBE Channel and watch the More Than Recovery Podcast at Please watch, SUBSCRIBE, and share so that we can reach others and help them THRIVE.
* Join us each Tuesday at 7PM for THRIVE. THRIVE is a success group for those struggling with relationship, emotional, and addiction issues. THRIVE meets at Mikado Baptist Church at 6751 Houston Road, Macon. For more information call 478-284-1422.
* The Next Step Fall Gala is Thursday, October 17, 2024. It will be a fabulous evening of testimonies, food, fellowship, and encouragement. You won’t want to miss this year’s event. Host a table and bring your friends to this great event. Email for more information.